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A jackass unlike any jackass who has inhabited D.C. politics or the White House … With him in the White House comes the message to others as follows: “kick me in the fanny – l am use to such behavior.”

It follows that America is now not good at any speed.

Oswald the Rabbit.

“One of the weak sides of republic, among their numerous advantages, is that they afford too easy an inlet to foreign corruption.”

Alexander Hamilton, Federalist 22

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George Washington and other of our Founders knew that we too easily let foreign government take advantage of our desire for commerce and the wealthy among us often fail to protect America for want of greater influence and wealth, power and self-esteem.

Our commercial elites are no different today than they were at the Founding of our sanctified Federal Republic. So l ask now: would todays wealthy elites trade all that America and it people are in favor of wealth exclusively for them? Likewise l ask why do we let the wealthy elites gain power and wealth while our adversaries reign over us, care indeed to conquer us, diminish us, control us, weaken and divide us … create viruses that kill us – young and old.

What Hamilton and Washington and others knew years ago are plainly visible to us today … yet those in media, academia, politics, industry and the economy say little to reduce our being sold to those who wish our demise, destruction.

Wake Up America. Save your farmland, military, strength, your commerce, industry and financial expertise, your language, culture, history, faith and dignity.


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St. Thomas says that worldly men have lost that sense of taste for spiritual things. “As the tongue of a sick man cannot taste good things … so the soul infected with the corruption of the world has no taste for the joys of heaven.”

Yes, if you want a fundamental understanding of America’s present state of being, you need only know that the prominent who claim leadership are “infected with the corruption of the world” hence they have no taste for faith, for God, for what is good, wise, humble, honorable, everlasting … indeed for the essence of America as it was founded by those who sought God.

Are you listening Joe Biden? A crude, simple-minded but self-deceiving man who is and always has been corrupted and unwise. Upon such persons destruction looms most certainly. Such is the wisdom of St. Thomas and the nature of God in sharp contrast to those selfish beings who seek first and always not for love but self, not to serve but to harvest money and power for themself.


China’s Ballon’s Fetish … destroy their launch pad … ASAP. Screw them. They think we are soft. Give Boy Biden a sleeping pill usher away the empty suits and kick ass and take names.

Boston Irish.

“The world will not be destroyed by those who are evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything,

Albert Einstein

This glove fits quiet snugly today in America. Who stands to face those who wish to destroy the Federal Republic?

Serious times – Robert E. Sylvester, J.D., M.A. International Affairs, M.A. Theology; widely read, experienced in public policy, psychology, historic record as to negative consequences of Big Government and Secularism.

Robert E. Sylvester

God Bless

“In order to free the Fiction of the Soviet State – in other words, the whims of those who manipulate it – from every wholesome restriction, all socio-political movements tending in this direction invariably try to cut the ground from under religions. For in order to turn the individual into a function of the State, his dependence on anything beside the State must be taken from him.

Carl Jung in The Undiscovered Self.

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In modern present culture many are unfamiliar with the depths of the interior makeup of the human person. Unfamiliar of such, they have little knowledge of their fullness in being and less of their innate interior wanting and the spiritual component of the human being. Jung opines that absent knowledge of their interior and hence their identity as a human being – they become the easy prey of the totalitarian state and the know-nothings who govern in force like crazed vultures primed to create an all intrusive state tilting to totalitarianism.

One can see in Jung’s genius America and others in the West today whereby know-nothings assend to power to join the ranks of those in government positions who survive by placating those rooted in “public service” as a life long easy-street with little heavy lifting and access to “easy money”and easily acquired notoriety.

Friends, this puts the life of our Federal Republic and those citizens therein in a grave position whereby we may well be deprived of our freedom, led by those who desire for themselves but power and money more than all else.

Serious times, people.


“Only when the self becomes the new center of life is it possible to live a full and authentic existence, free of external demands.”

Curtis D. Smith, in Jung’s Quest for Wholeness

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Esteemed Carl Jung has the view that the human person carried an archetypical identity (by Divine design) and it is that which is our True Self … and unites us with all of the yesterdays and all the tomorrows into eternity.

In this view earthy power means little, contentment within emerges as satisfaction, tranquility, peace, meaning, identity, freedom.

If this be so would not life be easier, simpler and peace known person to person. Would not contentment be realized and meaning, purpose and ease accompany each of us day by day!

Our Founders were religious people, hence freedom of religion is central to American citizenship and our Federal Republic. But alas if you look around today you do not see individual contentment … more often you see discord, adversity, the quest for power, control, title, wealth and notoriety. Have we not succeeded in making life more contentious, harder, quarrelsome, divided. Beware – are not those in public positions far off course, actually lost as to the fullness of being human, being wise, learned, fully developed, insightful, humbled, strong.

In Jung’s view tranquility is attainable, meaning and purpose follow.

For some time now I have looked at the negative consequences of Secularism in Democracies. Yes, l have seen the faith of our Founders diminished, excused in favor of naked ambition. That said, it is hard to see anything but discord among a free people who are blessed with freedom and wealth. It follows that many lack the peace identified by Carl Jung. In this we are less than we are made to be. Contentment seems absent and happiness less than common.

Perhaps it would be wise to think about Carl Jung and the proposition that we carry an archetypical identity (by Divine design) and it is that which is our True Self … unites us with all of the yesterdays and all the tomorrows into Eternity.

Be that as it may, we need to find a happier and more meaningful existence than that which we see in America and the West today.


“You find out more about God from the Moral Law than the universe in general just as you find out more about a man by listening to his conversation than by looking at a house he has built.”

C. S. Lewis, in Mere Christianity

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l am often asked by friends this question: why have we gone astray? And this question too: what has happened to this once great nation we call America?

Well the answer is rather simple: we have lost contact with God. Indeed we have become increasingly a nation without reference to morality, to doing what is right and just, fair and honest. In this l think of the images of young miscreants running into an upscale department store or jewelers store to smash and grab all their greedy hands can manage then promptly running out of the store. Likewise l see the intrusion into a bodega and the mission to grab cash and things before a retreat to the street … or l see the violent attack on an innocent who is simply walking along a city street.

It seems obvious to me not only that we have lost contact with God but that we have lost contact with morality, with moral law. Yes, this is, in my view, the central reason we are in decline. And let’s be absolutely honest, even those who occupy positions of trust and power have lost contact with Moral Law and hence with God.

What irony! We see sadly today questions about the conduct of important government institutions. Likewise author Peter Schweizer reports in his book Red Handed Joe Biden’s family accepted 31 million dollars from Chinese intelligence-linked businessmen when Mr. Biden pursued the presidency (See, page 40 in Red Handed).

Getting back to C. S. Lewis, it is far better we embrace Moral Law if we wish to sustain the nature of a Federal Republic founded by individuals with a sensitivity to the need for a moral foundation and an attachment to God in this new Nation. Yes, what ails us now is a disregard for Moral Law and hence estrangement from God. Correcting this one vital issue holds the promise that America can maintain a position of strength and Justice that our Founders wisely placed at the center of our identity. One Nation Under God! Anyone focused on this?


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This is the state of America today. So what is disintegration? It is the process whereby cohesion or strength is lost. In political terms it is the simultaneous problem of economic failure and social fragmentation … the process of coming to pieces, remnants of a once larger whole.

ln physics it is the recurrence of a nucleus or subatomic particles emitting smaller and smaller fragments of what once was a whole entity.

As to today in America we are suffering from radical division, an assault on the whole – our sacred Federal Republic and the freedom of the human being who is a lawful citizen of this Great Nation.

The impetus for this wholesale division? The radical Left housed in the Democrat Party. Yes, if we do nothing America will be reduced to nothing but smaller and smaller remnants of a once Great Nation. Such is the way of disintegration: epluribus unum NO MORE! United we stand, divided we fall. The Left wants our failure. Do You?


U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops.

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One look at Communist China and you can see what a totalitarian government looks like. May we never make the mistake of invoking an all-intrusive central government that fails to protect and defend the sacred freedom which attaches to each American citizen.

“The good and the wise lead quiet lives” – so says Euripides. May it ever be so.



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