Welcome to Spirlaw, a blog on living faith in secular culture, a blog that evangelizes, educates and offers spiritual care and counsel.

A little biographical background is in order.  I am a lawyer and practiced in Washington, D.C. for a number of years.  My resume reads: work on Capitol Hill in foreign policy (advanced degree from The Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies), in a private firm and on my own as a trial and appellate lawyer working on matters related to the state intervention into family, child welfare and privacy.  Most of my work was in the latter area.

I found the problems I worked on very engaging and I had unexpected success.  Yet, over the years I came to understand that the problems I saw in and out of the profession were spiritual in nature.  In time, I secured an advanced degree in theology from the University of Notre Dame with the express intention of helping people in the professions find greater satisfaction in their work.

My focus in theology was the role of faith in a secular culture and particularly its place in the lives and work of highly educated people in a very secularized society.

There is more to the story and, just like your story, there are discrete parts that, when considered, lead to a life that is, like all lives, unique and can be seen as a whole, a coherent reality that might lead one to conclude: Gosh, maybe I have been intentionally created and have in the life I have been given a call, meaning and a purpose.

So, I welcome you and offer this – I am perhaps among the few you might encounter who despite life’s twists and turns am rather contented and am usually amused by what I see and experience … or at least informed more deeply about humans and the Ineffable.

I hope you are at home here and that you enjoy this place.  God bless.

Copyright, Robert E. Sylvester, 2011

All rights reserved.