“One of the weak sides of republic, among their numerous advantages, is that they afford too easy an inlet to foreign corruption.”

Alexander Hamilton, Federalist 22

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George Washington and other of our Founders knew that we too easily let foreign government take advantage of our desire for commerce and the wealthy among us often fail to protect America for want of greater influence and wealth, power and self-esteem.

Our commercial elites are no different today than they were at the Founding of our sanctified Federal Republic. So l ask now: would todays wealthy elites trade all that America and it people are in favor of wealth exclusively for them? Likewise l ask why do we let the wealthy elites gain power and wealth while our adversaries reign over us, care indeed to conquer us, diminish us, control us, weaken and divide us … create viruses that kill us – young and old.

What Hamilton and Washington and others knew years ago are plainly visible to us today … yet those in media, academia, politics, industry and the economy say little to reduce our being sold to those who wish our demise, destruction.

Wake Up America. Save your farmland, military, strength, your commerce, industry and financial expertise, your language, culture, history, faith and dignity.
