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St. Thomas says that worldly men have lost that sense of taste for spiritual things. “As the tongue of a sick man cannot taste good things … so the soul infected with the corruption of the world has no taste for the joys of heaven.”

Yes, if you want a fundamental understanding of America’s present state of being, you need only know that the prominent who claim leadership are “infected with the corruption of the world” hence they have no taste for faith, for God, for what is good, wise, humble, honorable, everlasting … indeed for the essence of America as it was founded by those who sought God.

Are you listening Joe Biden? A crude, simple-minded but self-deceiving man who is and always has been corrupted and unwise. Upon such persons destruction looms most certainly. Such is the wisdom of St. Thomas and the nature of God in sharp contrast to those selfish beings who seek first and always not for love but self, not to serve but to harvest money and power for themself.
