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Ekklesia (Greek word meaning church)  … signified the assembly of citizens of the polis (a city or small state in ancient Greece), who meet to make decisions.

Dairmaid MacCulloch, in Christianity: The First Three Thosuand Years

+ + +

The history of Western Civilization aligns faith or church with governing – ekklesia with polis.  But we live in a time (a treacherous time) in which that nexus is lost … and that loss makes for a far more errant society and culture – a government more prone to chaos than tranquility, distain and division than gratitude and unity.

This is where we are now in the West and in America. 

If you want a source of our problems in government, in law and in public affairs – look no further than the disconnection between church and state and the hostility and sickness that arises when this nexus is ignored, or worse yet – attacked, disparaged and forbidden.

Really, there is not much more to say except – when you listen to public discourse ask yourself one simple question: Does this man or woman speaking convey any sense that he or she knows anything at all about who we are and who we have been for centuries, or for the tenets which have provided our foundation, survival, peace and prosperity?

If you answer in the negative – stop listening – for that speaker deserves none of your time or attention.


Good Friday

… aware that everything was now finished, Jesus said, “I thirst.”

John 19:28

+ + +

Take a moment today to stop and let your mind feed your heart, as on this Holy Day it most surely will.  When the heart is in play the soul is touched … on this Holy Day even more so than on most others.

Make a few minutes for this silent retreat – from the head, to the heart, to the soul.

In silence now, I come to this question: What did Jesus do?  And to this recitation – He entered mortal life as the incarnation of Our Father and all that Our Father is and enkindled in us.  He healed those who suffered.  He befriended the friendless.  He called others to the Father.  He taught others including the religious scholars he encountered.  He made the sinful clean.  He suffered and was rejected.  He hung on the Cross and was taunted and ridiculed.  He redeemed us by His death … and was resurrected!

I ask this question and provide the above answer in the hopes that you might look around you and particularly look at those who appear prominently in our mass culture – those whose images, voices, opinions and criticisms we see and hear all to frequently.  Indeed I ask in this – what have they done to justify our attention?  And I mean people in politics, the intellectuals, elites, princes of the tech industry, those in media with unrestrained opinions about all things, and the endless “advocates” of self-serving (destructive) politically (in)correct views.

Who is worth your attention?  Jesus or the talking heads of present day American mass communication culture?

I’ll take Christ … and proclaim that no one who seeks our attention warrants our time or consideration who does not show he or she has lived a life representative of the selfless nature of the Son of God.


Reclining at table with his disciples, Jesus was deeply troubled and testified, “Amen, amen, I say to you, one of you will betray me.”

John 13:21

+ + +

Betrayal.  It is hard to imagine anything more disillusioning than violating a relationship.

Think about it, one has a trusted relationship and violates that trust.  You can see it in a man who fathers a child but deserts his child and the woman with whom he fathered the child.

Imagine Judas who was mentored by Jesus.  Think of what he did.  He sat at the table with Jesus and his disciples and took his morsel given at the table and walked away … from Light to Darkness – that is betrayal.  Judas choose alienation over sacred loyalty, over friendship, over duty and obligation, over faith, over honesty, over trust, evil over good, his own desires over God.

And then there is Peter.  Pledging his loyalty to Jesus, he denied knowing Our Lord three times before the cock would crow.  Yes, cowardice got the best of Peter.  Yes, for Peter fear dominated faith.  Yes, Peter, too, choose alienation.  Yes, for Peter trust was abandoned, friendship was dishonored – God denied.

Look about you today.  Are we a culture of trust?  Or is betrayal more common?

Are we a culture of heroes or betrayers?  One in which citizen is alienated from citizen?  A culture of unity or division?  Is division commonplace?  Is it the way of a political party?  Do women create division from men?  Do father’s desert their children?  Men and women divorce one another with ease?

Alienation.  Betrayal.  Distrust.  Hero or coward?  Loyal or not?  Divisive or unifying?  Neighbor or not?  Friend or enemy?  One alone or many together?  God-full or Godless?


calamity – n. 1. a disaster, 2. dire distress

The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language

+ + +

No indictments from the Special Counsel formerly in search of crimes that would identify President Donald Trump as being in league with Vladimir Putin in order to gain his election as President.

Well isn’t this some mess.  The singular inane two-plus years focus of the Democrat Party and of their hysterical partisans in television news, the print press, the “entertainment” industry, and late night unfunny funny-men has come to not.

Think about this: the collection of failed witch-hunters in the media, in the federal bureaucracy (particularly in the FBI, not-so-just “Justice Department,” “intelligence” services and in the Obama administration) has delivered us to a now-rapidly shrinking Democrat Party of the Left which itself is left with: (1) having wasted millions of dollars to prove nothing, (2) shirked their legislative responsibilities while besmirching the country’s reputation around the world, (3) divided the nation’s citizens like nothing has done since the Civil War, and (4) now hosts presidential candidates and supporters who are of the Socialist-Communist and kook variety.


“We have found the enemy and they are us!”

Talk about Jimmy Breslin’s The Gang Who Couldn’t Shoot Straight.  Here we have a Party with a candidate who honey-mooned in Moscow and a collection of other wanna-bes the flavor of Karl Marx, Lenin, Fidel Castro, Chairman Mao, and Maduro the Venezuelan Dictator.

Apparently finding the Commie-connection necessitated only a glance in the mirror.  Who would have thunk-it?

This mess has about insured the demise of the Democrat Party.

Think about this – the inspiration of this entire witch-hunt was Dame Hillary herself a lady with a host of un-indicted mischief so easily excused by members of the entrenched federal bureaucracy and assisted by what passes as the Washington “legal” community and the-persons-ever-in-waiting among the Beltway political “consulting” class.

Might the swamp be draining itself?

Lots of egg on lots of faces – but more than that permanent damage the likes of which make the Wreck of the Hesperus but a bump in the dark.

All of which leaves us with the words so often heard in the Laurel and Hardy films of yore – “Well, this is a fine mess you got us into, Ollie.”


Missed posting yesterday.  Stood with a friend in a long anticipated hearing on a complicated and contested legal matter.  Matter “concluded” at long last.

# # #

The theological virtues are above the nature of man, whereas intellectual and moral virtues belong to the nature of man … Therefore the theological virtues should be distinguished … The intellectual and moral virtues perfect the human intellect and appetite in proportion to human nature, but the theological virtues do so supernaturally.

St. Thomas Aquinas, in Theologiae

+ + +

If this be so, how can you neglect faith?  If your perfection requires your spiritual development, who would be foolish enough to listen to the endless number of people like Bernie Sanders, Barack Obama, Joe Biden, A.O.C., et al when they speak about anything whatsoever.

Yes, in the present time, there are not many people in politics, news, the celebrity class, academia, the “professions” or what have you who warrant our time or attention.

Let’s face it, we are NOT discreet listeners.  Indeed, we should be.

I often hear others say (in response to some injustice) “how can X or Y let this (the injustice) happen?”  It is, in all honesty, a childish reaction to the world around them and injustice in particular.  It is a question asked by one who does not know what Aquinas and others have talked about for ages … the primacy of faith and perceptions derived from faith are central to all inquiries and understanding of the world we inhabit and those people and events in it.

Mathematicians know this, scientists too.  Those few among us who still muster belief itself and match belief with their intellect and life experience know this as well.  They, as a consequence, do not need to ask of injustices done to innocents and others.

Indeed, the proof of the fundamental role of faith in one’s existence is this: even atheists ask the fundamental question like: “Why this injustice?”

Their question confirms the place of, and need for, faith.  Their question is a faith question.  Their question reflects the insight of Aquinas and many others we ignore and in this make fools of ourselves and anyone of the many who daily listen to the nonsensical “public figures” who do not possess the modest intellect or common sense sufficient to wonder much at all about what they see and what they say.

Alas, following Aquinas and other giants of intellectual, moral and spiritual maturity allows us to be who we are designed to be.

Smarten up, people.  What is eternal is above all that is not.  We consume what is not eternal and this is the central fault you see.

I know except that things perishing and transitory should be spurned and things certain and eternal should be sought.  (Emphasis added.)

St. Augustine, in Soliquia

Just can’t make this any plainer to you, Friends.


Postscript – The contested hearing yesterday was frankly pathetic.  The judge and lawyers were childish in their narrow range of thought and lack of depth of examination or understanding as to the events before them.  It was much like watching people playing “judge” and “lawyer.”  It would have been silly if not so pathetic.  We are sadly ill-bred and in this lies decline and injury to all.  First faith – insight and wisdom follows.

They came to a place named Gethsemane … And he took … Peter, James and John … He said to them … “keep watch.”

Mark 14: 32, 33, 34

+ + +

“Keep watch.”

These are the words of Jesus when, knowing His trial was near, he entered Gethsemane to pray, to seek time with Our Father.  Yes, in His distress, Jesus sought time with God.  Ought we do any different?

We face gravely troubling times today.  Like our Jewish brothers and sisters in their flight from captivity in Egypt there is much discontent, grumbling among our neighbors, those in public life.  Anger, immorality, division and corruption abound – indeed in high places this is so.

Think for a moment what Jesus asked of Peter, James and John.  He asked that they might “keep watch.”  Is that not our job too?  Are we not to watch for evildoers, those who wish to deny God and destroy His intentions for us to humbly live well caring less for self than for others?  Are we not to trust in Him, carry His mission?

Ah, but do we?  Look about.  Could corruption flourish if we really “keep watch?”  Could immortality be “protected” if we were to really “keep watch?”  Would babies be killed if this were so?  Would there be justice for some, but excuse for others – if we were to “keep watch?”  Would evil be excused?  Responsibilities abandoned?  Anger be prevalent?  Division created?

You know the answers to these questions.  Keep watch.  Do nothing less than what Jesus asked.  Ah, yes – in this mission you must stand in opposition to that which is evil and not of God.  Who among you does this?


The more the powerful and independent consciousness becomes, and with it conscious will, the more is the unconscious forced into the background.  When this happens, it becomes easily possible for the conscious structure to be detached from the unconscious images.

Richard Wilhelm, in The Secret of the Golden Flower

+ + +

To be whole and have psychic health, full development and contentment, our conscious life must be attached to our unconscious life.  Without an unconscious life, life and our experience of it is distorted, limited and chaotic.

Indeed, it seems that this is precisely where we are in our country today.

Look at the celebrity and political class and those in control of higher education (the “teaching” intellectuals) and you see not mature and insightful individuals but narrow people full of self-assertion, anger and extreme and destructive notions.

Yes, being stuck in conscious alone is a superficial state of being, a fragmented and  unhealthy state of being.

Carl Jung in a 1931 essay noted that the disconnection of consciousness from the unconscious makes for the modern man who Jung identifies as “unhistorical” – that is void of any of the broader lessons of human history.

Jung’s observation might explain the measure of ideas offered and advanced by the American Left today as well as the limited use that can be made of public discourse among those engaged in news reporting and commentary.

I find nothing so much as the separation of conscious and unconsciousness to explain what I see among public personalities, see in the conduct and discourse of the elites.  Sadly, this reminds me of the tragic decline in the German culture in the inter-War years.

Disordered development creates great risk for cultures – and a failed education system and rejection of faith makes for increasing the risk of serious error and destruction.  And make no mistake religious narratives all over the world instruct us in symbols and metaphors that open us to our unconscious.  Ban or undermine religion and we increase our collective and individual danger.

Our individual full psychological and spiritual development is critical, indispensable to our flourishing and survival … and a sign of how far we are from health is evidenced by our reaction to the horrible shooting of people in New Zealand last night.  Immediately our public commentators see it as a product of political opinion when it is rather an indication of psychological sickness – disorder all too common to its counterparts around the world.



I took a relatively rare break form posting a Blog entry yesterday in order to spend some time with a dense and somewhat vexing article written by Carl Jung, M.D. entitled “The Spiritual Problem of Modern Man.”  I shall visit this article in several up-coming posts over the next few weeks.  The article appears as a chapter in Jung’s book entitled Modern Man in Search of a Soul.

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The modern man (is) the man of the immediate present … fully conscious of one’s (immediate) existence … with a minimum of unconsciousness … He is … of necessity and at all times, for every step towards a fuller consciousness of the present (which) removes him from his original “participation mystique” with the mass of men – from submersion in the common consciousness (thus) … tearing himself loose from that all-embracing, pristine unconsciousness which claims the bulk of mankind almost entirely.

Carl G. Jung, M.D. in Modern Man in Search of a Soul.

+ + +

Jung is discussing “the loaner,” the vacuous celebrity of the contemporary highly secularized mass communication culture that is densely visual and digital in present day America.

He is describing as he says an “unhistorical” man and woman – those without any past – any wisdom, any sense of the long story of the human person, any contact with their unconscious and the essential spiritual essence of the human person and human existence.

He is describing what I call the Nada Man … nada being the Spanish word for “nothing.” 

Modern man is Barack Obama – a man who accomplished absolutely nothing before winning the Presidency, a man with no work history.  A man much like Joe Biden who never earned a private paycheck but sucked on the government tit all his life and who aspires to close out his life of nothingness by occupying the Oval Office into his near dotage.

Lest you think there are few of these nada men – there is Social/Communist Bernie Sanders who never earned a week’s pay until at 40 he was elected to public office in Vermont.  And there is any number of Members of Congress who secure law degrees from Harvard and do absolutely nothing with them … 

The Democrat assembly of presidential candidates is full of members of the nada class including a woman who “slept” her way into government jobs, a faux Indian Princess, a childish former city major with no evidence of having assumed an adult life with family, children and a private work history.

Frankly, political figures today resemble most the theatrical crowd – the fodder of tabloids lining the shelves of supermarket check-out counters.  And the TV news shows resemble collections of boorish numskulls assembled for bargain rate group therapy.

We have in Jung’s “modern man” – George Costanza in multiple forms and iterations but George all the way – a faux “marine biologist,” “Penske material,” a man in the front office of the New York Yankees who hides under his desk to avoid any and all responsibility.

Yes, modern man – the nada generation …  

You know you have a real problem when public figures from politics to media, from to entertainment to TV news and “the Press” look like characters in the Seinfeld Show – a show its creators tell us is about absolutely “nothing.”

If this ain’t rock bottom is sure is close.


Postscript – The dear little Leftist children at Sara Lawrence College have posted demands that include – free laundry detergent and fabric softener.  How frigging ridiculous is this!  Maybe we ought to consider expanding this infanticide thing to college students?  The news is becoming a Woody Allen comedy routine.  No wonder the Democrats want free college – they run their scam on the backs of people who riot for fabric softener.  I-N-S-A-N-I-T-Y.


“Genetically, two black people are more likely to more different to be each other than a black person and a white person … while the physical differences are clearly visible between a white and a black person, the total amount of difference is much smaller than between two black people.”  (Emphasis added.)

Adam Rutherford, in A Brief History of Everyone Who Ever Lived

+ + +

The Left with its “identity politics” is (as it is with their absolutism of socialism and Communism) utterly and thoroughly well behind the scientific curve.

Yep, our knowledge of genetics tells us that we all share genetic markers from a very small pool of the first humans on the planet as well as a whole lot of people over the entire life of humans on the planet.  The consequence?  Bye, bye ethnic, class, race, religious, and status distinctions that are used to separate us one from another.

Yes, the divisions we create are nonsense.  We are more alike than different one from another.  Translation?  Threat the “Dividers” with the contempt they so rightly deserve.

Don’t be fooled into embracing their trap of “division” which makes us vulnerable to their control.  No. No. No.  We are scared beings.  Each of us … and far more alike than different.  Let’s start living this reality.  Let’s understand we share a common past and its accumulated wisdom.  Live right.  Do not be duped by those who divide.




“And the word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, glory as the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.”

John 1:14

+ + +

When Jesus appeared among the Jewish people it had been centuries since a Prophet had appeared to them.  Yes, the Son of the Father appeared not just to reassure the Jewish people of God’s covenant with them but to offer a new covenant and a new life.

Why do I mention this today?  I mention it because of the recent public focus on the anti-Jewish rhetoric of a leftist Muslim female member of the U.S. House of Representatives which went without correction or reprimand.  And you might say – “Well so what?”

Well here is the “so what” – apparently the Members of the U.S. Congress do not comprehend the glory of God in the presence of His begotten Son.

I respond additionally that we, as Christians, are deeply connected to our Jewish brothers and sisters and any anti-Jewish attack is an attack on Christians as well.

We are, you remember, a Judeo-Christian culture.  Our Nation’s Founders were religious men and women who valued faith and the individual protection of religious freedom.

It is quite disturbing that our Representatives lacked the will to specifically address their colleague’s hateful and destructive anti-Jewish discourse.

It makes me realize that those who represent us do not take faith, religious freedom, our Judeo-Christian heritage and the shameful recent history of the Holocaust seriously.  I add that such callousness is a danger to Jews, to Christians, to our great Country, and to Western Civilization.

What a disgrace at the onset of Lent!

Christians should be deeply concerned and recognize that it is their responsibility to be a vocal public presence as to the seeds of hatred and bigotry that Members of our government planted this week in our sacred history and its soil.

Yes, we have witnessed a Lenten Disgrace offered up by a godless U.S. Congress.


Postscript – If you are so inclined please share with others be they Christian or Jew.  Stand together we must.  



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