As in Adam all die, so also in Christ shall all be made alive.

I Cor 15:22

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What if this thought was front and center in the mind of every Christian?  Would not the world change radically for the better?

In a real sense we have a choice: the errant Adam, or the crucified Christ.  Stated another way: the sinful Adam or our Redemption.

If one has access to Redemption are we not more than Adam?

In some ways we stay in darkness, in sin and selfishness – long after we conceive of Christ and Redemption.

Think about the present day discourse in any news coverage.  Do you hear the voices of people who know that they are redeemed?  Are the voices in the public square calm?  Assured?  Humble?  Optimistic?  Joyful?  Or are they void of faith – trapped in the world of limited unbelievers – trying desperately (at best) to find power in the human being alone?

As we approach the birth of Christ, we might ask: Do we live knowing and accepting that we have been redeemed?
